Hey, how’s it going?

Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you’re here.

But where is here? It’s a little glimpse into my own mind, the thoughts and ideas that have inspired me, and which I hope will inspire you too.

My vision is simple: I want to change the world by changing minds through art, education, community, cooperation, and fun! If that sounds like something you’re interested in, then read on… I’d love to hear what you think.

  • How to avoid burnout

    How to avoid burnout

    Feeling burnt out? Here’s my latest strategy to manage my energy so I don’t get burnt out so easily. Learn how I categorise tasks by mental effort to keep productive while doing the things I like. Read more

  • Inspiration behind Tale of the Dragon Champion

    Inspiration behind Tale of the Dragon Champion

    My novel “Tale of the Dragon Champion” is the result of my evolving interests in international relations, literature, and diverse historical and mythological influences. The story aims to challenge readers with complex characters and themes, offering deeper insights into societal and political dynamics. Read about all my inspiration and goals for the story here! Read more

  • Life Lessons: What a kitchen renovation taught me

    Life Lessons: What a kitchen renovation taught me

    What I learned while renovating my mother’s kitchen… Read more

  • Why you need to reflect on your life

    Why you need to reflect on your life

    In these days where everyone is so focused on progress and self-improvement, I think its becoming increasingly important to be able to look back and appreciate how far we’ve come. This practise is not something that comes naturally, I admit, but in pushing myself to reflect each week I’ve already felt better about my progress.… Read more

  • Please learn how to read…

    Please learn how to read…

    The piece discusses the declining ability to comprehend written content, highlights the impact on both literature and social interactions and the dangers of miscommunication and close-mindedness. Learn about the importance of learning to read critically, with questions and video resources for improving reading skills. Read more

  • War in Israel-Palestine (2023-24)

    War in Israel-Palestine (2023-24)

    The article provides a comprehensive overview of the Israel-Palestine conflict, tracing its historical roots to present-day events. It highlights key milestones, such as the formation of Israel, conflicts like the Nakba and Six-Day War, and recent hostilities. Additionally, it offers actionable steps for supporting Palestine and further reading resources. Read more


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