
Hi there, you can call me CC. I’m an author, blogger, student, and idealist.

Here in Devin’s World, I’m free to think, learn, and write about all the things that spark my interest, of course the ways you can use or apply them to your own life.

Here, I’m able to conceptualise a new world, and explore how we can make it happen, as well as what happens if we don’t.

Here, you’re a part of that too. Participate in the conversations, share your own ideas, but be open to others too.

It is my firm belief that human selfishness is the root of all evil in the world, and our increasing inability to move past our own desires – to at least consider another person’s standpoint or ideas, even if we disagree – will be our downfall.

So I make this request: while here, keep an open mind. Consider before you respond, and consider why you are responding. Are you adding something productive to the conversation? If not, perhaps it is time to reconsider if your words should be added.

There is another request I must ask of you: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance. Or at least, before you assume that someone harbours ill-intent, consider that they simply may not know as much as you do about something. Let people be wrong, and choose to guide them with empathy and patience. We are all wrong about something, or have been in our lives.

Finally: I ask that you let this be a place for people to enjoy. If my content is not for you, please scroll on by, I wish you all the best on your journey through life. If my work is something you enjoy however, I invite you to stay a while, and don’t be a stranger.

I look forward to hearing from you,


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